Healthy Aging
Biotox Heavy Metals Detox: Healthy Aging
Aging is the accumulation of body changes that affects the length of the human body’s functional existence. Science today has linked premature aging to our exposure to toxic metals and chemicals which are in every aspect of our lives today. Various factors cause the body to deteriorate, including injuries that do not heal completely, toxic heavy metals and chemicals, allergies, poor nutrition, stress, and inactivity.
People worldwide today are concerned with healthy aging and longevity due to the increase of degenerative diseases we all face today. Without the diseases of premature aging, normal human life expectancy is estimated to be 120 years. Most people are capable of living their lives without pain and suffering caused by such chronic degenerative diseases.
Unfortunately, conventional medical care has focused more on symptom relief with pain medications and surgical procedures and less on reversing the accelerated aging process, which is potentially more effective over the long term. If premature aging can be halted and normal function reestablished, then people not only will live longer but also will have a higher quality of life with the elimination of pain. Premature aging of the brain, circulation, heart, joints, skin, digestive tract, and immune system can begin at any time of life.
Healthy aging can be accomplished by:
Taking Biotox to remove the constant toxic build up and constant toxic assault
Keeping body weight down
Ingesting raw foods that contain nutrients and minimize free radical reactions in the body
Supplementing your diet with anti-oxidants, enzymes and multi-vitamins and more
Keeping your digestive system and colon healthy
In nature, oxygen will easily snatch electrons from molecules. When molecules give up electrons, this is called oxidation. Because most everything in nature is exposed to oxygen, most everything in nature undergoes the process of oxidation. Basically, things exposed to oxygen become oxidized. To give you a good example of this process, just think about a scrap of iron left out in the back yard. Over a period of a few weeks, that iron will have a thin coating of rust on its surface. And this is the process of oxidation.
Now take that idea into the context of human physiology. We breathe oxygen, and over time, we oxidize — or you could say we rust. Though we don’t necessarily turn brown with actual rust, we do get age spots, gray hair, wrinkles, aches and pains, and are subject to various disease processes. This is evidence of oxidation — part of the aging process.
Oxidation in the human body is associated with little molecules known as free radicals. When atoms come together, they form molecules. How those molecules are formed is through the joining together of the atom electrons. Electrons like to be in pairs. If something comes along (like oxygen) and strips an electron off this molecule, that molecule now has a free, unpaired electron. Now this makes for a very unhappy little electron because it is missing its partner. It now behaves very radically — hence the name free radical. When this happens in the body, that free radical will look for an electron anywhere it can. If it finds one on a good cell, it will snatch an electron from that cell, damaging it in the process and thereby creating another free radical. This process is repeated continually until the free radical meets up with a molecule that has an extra electron that it can donate to the equation, to stop the reaction.